A serviceman pouring oil into a funnel

When to Get an Oil Change: Essential Timing Tips for Your Car’s Health

Schedule an Oil Change in Turnersville, NJ  

Maintaining your car’s health is essential; one critical aspect is knowing when to get an oil change. We’ve got you covered if you’re wondering about the right time for an oil change in Turnersville, NJ. At Turnersville Mazda, we will elaborate on the factors determining when to change your oil, along with some helpful tips and signs to watch out for. Read on to learn more.  

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General Guidelines for Oil Changes  

Mileage Recommendations  

Firstly, mileage is a significant factor in determining when to get an oil change. For most vehicles, the rule of thumb is to change the oil every 3,000 miles or three months if you use conventional oil. However, you might enjoy longer intervals if you have a newer vehicle. Typically, newer cars using synthetic oils can go around 5,000 to 7,500 miles between oil changes and, in some cases, even up to 10,000 miles. Remember, checking your vehicle’s specific needs for an oil change in Turnersville, NJ, is crucial.  

Time Intervals  

Even if you don’t drive much, changing the oil at least every six months is a good idea. Oil can degrade over time, losing its effectiveness. So, don’t just rely on mileage; consider the time that has passed.  

Signs Your Vehicle Needs an Oil Change  

Knowing the signs that your car needs an oil change can save you from more significant problems. Here are some indicators to keep an eye on:  

Oil Change Light  

Most modern cars have a dashboard warning light that illuminates when it’s time for an oil change. This system keeps track of both the mileage and the time since your last oil change. So, if you see this light, it’s time for an oil change in Turnersville, NJ.  

Oil Condition  

Another sign is the condition of the oil itself. Check the oil on the dipstick – healthy oil is golden or amber. If the oil appears dark, gritty or has a burnt smell, it’s time to change it.  

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Engine Noise  

Suppose your engine starts sounding louder than usual, or you hear knocking noises. In that case, it might indicate that the oil isn’t lubricating the engine properly.  

Exhaust Smoke  

Black or blue smoke from the exhaust can signal that your engine is burning oil or has a severe issue. Either way, getting an oil change in Turnersville, NJ, is a sign.  

Oil Smell Inside the Car  

If you detect a burnt oil smell inside the cabin, it might indicate an oil leak or an overheating oil.  

Additional Considerations  

Driving conditions and habits also play a role. For instance, if you frequently drive in severe conditions like heavy traffic or extreme temperatures or tow heavy loads, you may need to change your oil more often. Similarly, if your driving involves many short trips (less than 10 miles), follow a more frequent oil change schedule, as the engine may not reach the optimal temperature to burn off moisture.  

Where in Turnersville, NJ, Can I Get an Oil Change?  

Oil being poured into an engine
A serviceman dipping oil stick

Schedule an Oil Change in Turnersville, NJ  

Refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual for specific recommendations regarding oil change intervals and the type of oil suitable for your engine. Following these guidelines and paying attention to your vehicle’s needs will ensure that your engine remains healthy and functions optimally. Regular oil changes are crucial for prolonging the life of your car and avoiding costly repairs down the line. Book an oil change with Turnersville Mazda today!  Â